Tuesday, May 26, 2009

About dreams...

My dreams last night - I cannot get them off of my mind. They were so clear and disturbing, to an extent, I guess.

Dream one.
About my Grandma and Pap. In reality, they're both doing well, health wise and everything. In this horrible dream, they were still alive but they were getting ready for their funerals and to be buried. It was the worst dream I've had in a long time, I'd say. I can't even get into all the weird details because of the mere fact of them being weird. Wow.

Dream two.
I wish I could keep sleeping so that I could keep having this dream. This one, in comparison to the previous, was the best dream I've had lately. I'm not going into all the details about this one because of the fact that I don't want to talk about this person to anyone. This is sounding like a elementary school crush/daydream... oh my. But it really isn't. hah. It was just a great dream. I miss you, MJR.

I honestly can't get these dreams out of my head. I feel like I'm in a mind-fog because they were so odd. Well, the first one was odd and the second one wasn't.. but nonetheless, my dreams affect me. Weird, huh?

Other news?
My uncle found a really young baby raccoon in his yard on Sunday. This thing is probably the cutest baby animal I've seen. His eyes aren't even open! Adorable.
Don't get all PETA and whatnot with me... if he left it where he found it, it would have been dead by morning. It's so helpless and vulnerable.
So, my mom and I are taking care of it for now because of my uncle's work schedule and everything. I'll post a picture of him. You'll fall in love. haha :)