Tuesday, March 16, 2010


splayed out across the bedroom floor
so fragile and so imperfect and so inconsistent
consistent only in the inconsistency
of everything and of nothing

there was no chemical reaction
only a reaction when limbs
started hitting the floor boards
laying despondent and still

words like paper airplanes
soaring through the air
yet never penetrating any ears
shot down, mid-flight
then set fire to the fragile paper
up in flames, never heard by anyone

sad habits leading to quick disasters
puddles to streams to creeks to lakes
to seas of disastrous regrets
hoping for a drought to make them disappear
up into the sky, into the clouds
gone forever
gone forever

limbs made of lead remain on the floor
the temperature down there is turning the blood to ice


  1. I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!

  2. I'm sorry, I don't follow what you're saying?

  3. Oh my god! you are Absolutely fenominal! I love your work! you should come check out my blog sometime (It is the poetry that is my life... only not in poetic format :) )

  4. Wow, I love it :) I used to write poetry like this, but I stopped.

  5. Thank you, thank you!

    Why did you stop? I slowed down a lot recently...

  6. And thanks, everybody.. I appreciate it! :)
