Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm not dreaming, so...

...I'll remember my twisted dreams from previous nights. It's hard to explain them because 1, they're weird, and 2, I won't name any names.

Why were you in my dream? I never spoke to you in my life. We were in a restaurant. At some point, you turned into someone else who I do actually talk to. We were at the table, and we were laughing at something together and I was thinking to myself, "wow, we're SO alike!" Then your sister walked by and I was worried that she would be mad; she wasn't. At some point, I went in the back of the restaurant. There was a bicycle on the floor, and for some odd reason, I had to cut up an octopus. I was utterly disgusted, but I cut it up. I guess someone wanted to eat it.

That's all I remember of that one. Well, that's all I'll actually admit to. hah..

I thought I could remember other ones, but I can't remember any at the moment.

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